Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Francis Albert...

"For how does any man keep straight with himself if he has no one with whom to be straight?"
Nelson Algren. The Man With the Golden Arm.

So here I am, an Autumn evening in Perth, Western Australia. There is a big storm rolling in from the sea. The deathknell of another endless summer perhaps? Thunder is rolling around the sky, and in the distance flashes of lightning are illuminating the sky line in an ominous fashion.

So why does Sinatra matter?

Well of course this is all my opinion, but I will try and explain to the best of my ability....

For me Francis Albert's music is glorious, timeless, and heartfelt. It has been the soundtrack to my life for aslong as I can remember, and the tunes inspire me in times of personal tragedy.

When I was young my widowed Mother used to play her Sinatra LP's on Sundays. I dont know why, but there was always something unspoken about these moments, a time for her to reflect on her love for my Father perhaps. Her time for remembering a better time in her life maybe?Sat in my bedroom it was to me a time for listening. Without doubt the unmentionable in the house helped the knackered old stereo system spread the music around the rooms, filling all the space not just with his voice, but also his stories.

And what stories they were. Stories of joyous love, stories of joyous woes. Tales of whiskey soaked evenings spent lamenting lost loves, tales of champagne and roses and romance. Above all the voice. That rich velvet middle register, and the dark bottom tones. The unique, ultimate urban voice was something unheard of until he arrived and is unbeatable now he is gone..

He matters because his music tells of a society now gone, probably never to come back. He matters because somwhere in the world someone will be discovering him for the first time, and like all the great writers/poets/artists this in their later life will somehow make them a more interesting and viable human being.

I for one will stay true to the dream. Aslong as I have Frank to wrap my troubles in then I have a reason to believe that dreams are there to be made into reality....


Angel said...

Beautifully put, and true. Sinatra and what the music and lyrics stand for should never be forgotten. Especially in these dyas of lyrics about having sex with strippers or using women as sex toys. The songs of sinatra were respectful, tongue in cheek, witty but always melodious and bringing a smile to the face. Looking forwrad to reading more of your blog :)

katie said...

Nice one Dan. High five for paying tribute to an artist who understands the power he holds (to influence people) through this medium. He chooses to invoke and inspire, rather than poison the minds of his listeners with meaningless trash-unlike his modern counterparts. Fast cars, big boobs, bling bling- who cares, you w***ker. With great power comes great responsibility.